This Day, That Year!

Oh! Joy! Oh! Celebrations!! Tis time to rejoice!!

And no, I couldn’t care less about Valentine’s Day and similar gobblegook shenanigans!

Today, 10 years ago, 14 February, 2012, I started this blog! And today we are all of 10 years old!

This is a huge milestone for at so many different levels. I made it past 10 years when I honestly had no idea what I would post the next day or next week or next year, when I began in 2012.

Bullfinch and Weeping Cherry Blossoms by Katsushika Hokusai, 1834, Public Domain. The bullfinch is used in ceremonies conducted at the New Year all over Japan to protect against misfortune in the coming year (Source – )

10 years ago, I had very different expectations from life, most of which did not come through (though that is not necessarily a bad thing! ) What I did not expect was to see Mockingbird, Looking Glasses and Prejudice complete 10 grand years, gather a loyal following and help me learn and survive all the curve balls of life! But here we are and still going strong and I am so gleeful to have reached this moment! I should really do a thank you speech, but these days, I am always in a reflective mood, so instead am sharing some things that happened to me over the years thanks to this blog –

  1. I learnt to read outside my comfort zone. And how!! Before I started this blog I stuck to English and maybe some Russian fiction and some travel writings. But since I started this page, I have read Non Fiction copiously and loved it; I have read poetry and developed a deep liking for it. I have read about all other countries of the world and learnt a bit more about this great community of Homo Sapiens and how we are all very same in so many different ways!
  2. The blogging and the interactions with everyone has made me more aware and more curious about my own country and culture. Every time I did any event like AusReadingMonth or saw any posts on NordicFinds events, I grew curious about similar literature I had in my part of the world and I wondered at parallels and the inputs from everyone made me think more deeply about my own history. In a way, as I learnt about the world, I discovered more about my own world.
  3. My mind opened to new ideas and I believe I became more compassionate and more tolerant. I do not agree with everybody on every book and everybody does not agree with me on my thoughts. But we all exchange our ideas freely and agree to disagree respectfully and share a laugh at the absurdities. This for me personally has been an important growth both emotionally and intellectually and I could not have done this without this blog.
  4. This blog is my stress release zone, my safe place, my zone out corner. I have always had this piece of world to share my angst, my heartbreaks, my fears without any fear of judgement or wondering how it will be interpreted. I have often found my sanity, and my ability to face another day through this world.
  5. My booklish blogging tribe, you are my biggest gift of this 10 year journey. You all live in different parts of the world, work in different places and have different lives, but every time I had a crisis, you found time to send me a kind word, share a sensible advice and a virtual hug. Thank You for sharing your personal histories, for the recipes and book recommendations and the virtual flowers! You have stood by me through my heartbreaks, my parent’s deaths and last year through my Cancer. You have cheered me on and lifted me up and did everything you could to make my world better. You all are part of one of the best things in my life and if for nothing else, these 10 years have been so worth it, because I have found you! Thank You Stefanie, Brona, Karen, Mudpuddle, Marian and Cleo! You all enrich my life everyday

I have read more, written more, became more aware; all thanks to this wonderful journey, started a decade ago! I have evolved in so many ways that I cannot even begin to articulate. This blog truly has been a gift that keeps giving! So here’s to 10 years and more! To new reading adventures and more writing expeditions. And to blogs, that unites us and holds us all together!

Update – Shout out to my another blogging friend and mentor Jane, who along with Stefanie, guided my initial blogging adventures. Jane is taking a break from Blogging world and I thought she may need some time out but she commented and I thought, I must atleast share with the world, how awesome she has been, supporting me through all my life adventures and introducing me to some of my favorite authors like Margaret Kennedy and Margery Sharp.

21 thoughts on “This Day, That Year!

  1. Congratulations on 10 years of blogging, Cirtnecce! That’s a great achievement and it’s good to know that your blog and the blogging community have helped you through some difficult times.

  2. And thank you dear, kind cirtnecce! Your spirit and enthusiasm is buoyant and I never fail to smile when I read your posts. Congratulations on ten years! I hope there are many wonderful years ahead. Hugs and love to you!

    1. oh! Stefanie, you have such a wonderful friend, virtual big sister and mentor in the paths of reading and writing! You have taught me so much beyond books about better living and being a part of this community. Not to mention a lot of laugh reliefs with the Dashwoods. Thank You for everything!

  3. Happiest of blogiversaries, Cirtnecce!! This is a wonderful milestone. ❤ Always a bright moment of the day when one of your posts shows up in my feed, and I'm grateful to be counted among your blogging friends! 🙂

    1. Jane!!!!! I am so so happy to hear from you! This comment from you just made my day! How have you been? I think of you often and wonder how you are doing? I think we met through Blogs ….I started commenting or you followed me or something, but YOU have been mainstays of my blogging adventure!! I am so so thrilled to hear from you again! Virtual Hug!

      1. I couldn’t let such an occasion pass without commenting! I have been posting in the LIbraryThing Virago Modern Classics group but I missed this world and had so many thoughts about certain books whirling around my head that I was inspired to start a new part-time blog.

      2. Jane I am so so glad that you are part time blogging! We miss you and we are so happy to see you once in a while! Sending big virtual hug!

  4. Oh, I thought I had already left a comment here, but obviously something happened!!
    So CONGRATULATIONS on 10 years, what a magnificent achievement. And thank you for kind words. I’m honoured to be a part of your blogging journey and look forward to anothet 10 years together 🙂

  5. Happy Blogiversary! 10 years is a great achievement. I have a film blog on wordpress that was also 10 years this past November! My book blog is slightly over 3 years old, but I so agree with virtually every one of your points. My interest in non-fiction has also skyrocketed since I started blogging and I have also become more open-minded about which books I read, especially concerning foreign authors.

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